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About us:
The United Campus Workers of Alabama (UCWAL) at Auburn University has been meeting and growing since last fall. As an inclusive union that believes in strength in numbers, we are hoping to get everyone who holds a job at the university involved in improving each other’s work situations on campus. In order to do that, we need to know what issues and concerns people have and we need to make sure everyone is represented.
For that purpose, one of our actions has been to repeatedly distribute a survey to gauge how workers on Auburn’s campus feel about the university’s handling of Covid-19. We learned a lot from that and tried to distribute the findings widely. Hopefully, you have seen at least one of those surveys and some of the findings. This summer, we have also tried to alert people about the precarious situation of non-tenure track faculty, especially in the English department. One of our next goals is to create a number of working groups that focus on issues specific to different workers on campus.
We have also started canvassing in the local community in order to let more people know about our organization. We want to build our union community and respond to your needs. In 2022, we are launching a campaign to address pay compression and pay inversion at Auburn. Compression and inversion at Auburn are big problems that have only gotten worse when our administration raised the minimum pay on campus to $14.50. This helped lots of workers on campus. But it also impacted many other employees who have worked for years without adequate pay, and have now seen new employees make as much as them. We want an equitable workplace for everyone!
Since we need to grow as an organization in order to really make a difference, we invite all Auburn University workers who are interested in learning more about the union to join us at a meeting! You can join our meetings anytime - we have general assemblies once a month and weekly check-ins for our working groups.
In solidarity,
UCWAL @ Auburn